We opened the Ghost Watch Academy in January of 2023 as a way of paying back to the paranormal community. We wanted to provide information and resources to people who wanted to learn more about the paranormal and possibly starting their own spooky journey. We partnered with our great friend, Dylan Bauer - Mystic Dylan a renown practitioner, author, educator and owner of the Wolf and Jackal shop. Dylan gave us the space to create an intimate lounge where we would be able to conduct our classes.
First - ALL are welcomed.
The Academy is an on-going learning program to help people that are interested in either exploring the supernatural or becoming a paranormal investigator. As Ghost Watch Paranormal started in the paranormal field, we had incredibly generous mentors that helped guide and educate us along our journey and now it’s our turn to pay it forward. We want the next generation of paranormal investigators to be as knowledgeable, safe and aware as can be.
We’ve conjured a space where people can come to learn about the many facets of the paranormal world. The Academy is a place where paranormal enthusiasts, investigators and knowledge seekers can come together to discover and share experiences within these walls. There aren’t many places that offer the opportunity to have focused learning about the
paranormal and with the help of the Wolf and Jackal – we’re looking
to do just that!
Set aside your preconceived notions about the paranormal. We’re all learning as we go. There are not true experts in the paranormal – some of us just have a bit more experience but we are always studying something new. That’s what makes the paranormal exciting. And that’s what we and the Wolf and Jackal want to provide – different viewpoints, different
methods, and offer you access to some great and helpful resources.
The Academy itself is structured like a standard University, there are four
levels of classes – each progressing in diving deeper into the paranormal.
Everyone starts out as Freshman and continues through Sophomore,
Junior, and Senior classes. Each level lasts three months.
Freshman – 3 Months
Sophomore – 3 Months
Junior – 3 Months
Senior – 3 Months
Each three-month curriculum will consist of:
Lectures – tailored to each level
Investigations – tailored to each level
Homework - you’ll be given a file to review for evidence
Group Evidence Review
We’ll also have special Academy events where all the levels can
participate together:
Guest Speakers
Unique Classes – such as testing your psychic abilities
Field Trips (Daytime or Nighttime)
Paranormal nights - where we gather and discuss the latest in the
paranormal community or watch a particular movie, documentary or
show and discuss it afterwards.
As we mentioned earlier, it’s all about creating a community and every
quarter, we will offer a Paranormal Open House. It’s an exciting aspect, as
we’ll reach out to all the Southern California paranormal teams to come and
join us for an evening hangout. You’ll be able to network and share
information and techniques. It’s about sharing information and learning
from as many people as possible so you can take the parts that resonate
with you and become a better investigator.
Classes Include:
101 - Introduction to the Paranormal - Intent
102 - Equipment - What do I need on a paranormal investigation?
103 - Protection and Cleansing
104 - Other Spirits and Entities
201 - Residential Hauntings
202 - Practical Field Work with Equipment
203 - Psychic Testing and Intuition
204 - Science and the Paranormal
Classes would also involve field work and homework where the students go out to a location for an investigation. They come back together and review their footage and recordings together to be able to analyze thoughtfully, critique and debunk anything caught during their investigation. They would then be able to publish their findings on social media.
Having the Wolf and Jackal as partners with the Academy allows us to bring in special guest lecturers that are brilliant in their fields of study and can help mentor a student with any questions they might have as they explore the paranormal.
We're excited to see what type of community we can build and bring together at the Ghost Watch Academy!