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Howe-Waffle House Santa Ana, California
The house itself is now a museum and kept to its original decor and furnishings - they wanted to keep it as if Dr. Willella Howe-Waffle herself would come home at any moment to attend to her patients.
When we arrived to the location, Haunted OC was setting up for one of their weekly Ghost Walks there in the historic part of Santa Ana. There are tons of really amazing structures with fascinating stories to be heard. We were thrilled that the turn out for the Ghost Walk was so healthy. It shows that there is still an interest in the paranormal in the general public. And when one paranormal team does well representing our community, we all succeed.
Ernie took us through a very comprehensive tour of the house, giving us information we hadn't heard before through our research. The energy was quite heavy through the first floor and we decided to start in the dining room. We conducted an EVP session and were excited by some responses we were getting. We continued our journey through the house mixing up our team in different rooms, using different techniques in trying to prompt a reponse from what ever energies are still there on the property.

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