Yuma Territorial Prison Yuma, Arizona

One thing that you'll know about us, is that we love a road trip! When the opportunity came up for us to be able to attend Doug Carnahan's Yuma Paracon 2016 - we jumped at the chance. It was a great weekend of being involved with the paranormal community. Being out of state, we weren't sure what to expect: but we were greeted by some of the most friendliest people we could have imagined. The welcoming reception was held at the Pint House Bar & Grill in Old Town Yuma. It was fantastic to immerse ourselves in the rich history of this city and seeing some of the older buildings in the town. It's quite a contrast to the modern city of Yuma that surrounds this part of town.

The next morning the Yuma Paracon began and started off with a fantastic lecture by Tina Clark, who is a historian there at the Yuma Territorial Prison. Her vivid introduction to the history and lifestyle of Yuma brought those experiences to light. From the reason why the main street in Old Town Yuma was 200 feet wide, to the open porches of the oldest hotel in town - every story she told only made the history come to life.

The presentations and lectures continued the rest of the day with Syd A. Schultz, Jay & Marie Yates of Crossing Over Paranormal Society (COPS,) Devin Scott Sisk & Ellen M. McFarlane from Napa City Ghosts and Legends Walking Tours, the HI-larious Scott Gruenwald, Barry Conrad, Stefan Brigati, Marcee A. Miller Brightenstine and her haunted doll Millie and of course, our host for the weekend, Doug Carnahan.